Saturday, May 27, 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

99: Charcoal Sketch: Kasba Peth, Pune, India

Kasba Peth in Pune, one of the oldest residential parts of Pune... this location sketched alongwith the Urban Sketchers Pune, is exactly adjacent to the Kasba Ganapati Mandir that I sketched & posted a few blogs back... the peths of Pune as the old parts of the city are called, with their typical wadas ( residences ) are an artists delight for sketching... & the play of light & shade that emerges on a sunny morning are an even more attractive feature to capture.

Charcoal Sketch...
Plein Air
11 1/4" x 8 1/2" 
120GSM Acid Free Medium Surface Heavy Weight Paper

Thursday, May 18, 2017

98: Watercolour Painting: A Rural Landscape | Imaginary | Whatman Paper

A Landscape... An Imaginary Landscape... An Imaginary Rural Landscape... 

Watercolour on 100+ year old Whatman Paper! 
14" x 10"

The Whatman Paper... more than 100 years old... from my stock of my great-grandfather's legacy of handed-down art material... still very intact... no tearing, no crumbling... only a bit of yellowing of the paper... a lot of yellowing in fact... it was all rolled into a massive roll all packed away neatly on the loft... took it down, unfurled it... it kept rolling up... so with massive efforts rolled it up the other way & tied it & put it away for a few days untill it regained its flat self again... then cut the sheets to size to use them... this is one of the first attempts on it... was sceptical how it would  turn out... the behaviour of the paper in terms of watercolour painting was way different from the current sets of handmade watercolour papers that I was used to by now... but got around to understanding its texture & adapting it to take in the watercolour techniques of today... was fun... more fun & nostalgic to think that my great-grandfather & then my grandfather & then my father all used this same paper... that they actually handled this very same paper... it was as if I could feel their touch, sense their being around it... & now I have the priviledge to use it... it is simply beyond my ability to explain how exhilerating that is... only hope I can do enough justice to it & live up to their standards even if remotely! 

Monday, May 15, 2017

97: Watercolour Painting: Flora n Fauna

Just a composition of red n yellow flowers from memory with leaves done largely with the negative painting technique & the backgroung with wet-in-wet & glazing... 

Watercolour on Cold Press Handmade Paper...
19" x 13" 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

96: Watercolour Sketch: Kasba Ganapati Mandir facade, Pune, India

Kasba Ganapati Mandir, Pune....
Located in Kasba Peth, one of the oldest residential parts of Pune, as the "peths" are called, this deity is the "Gramdevta" or deity of the village, built during Shivaji's reign. Most parts of its side facade are now covered with a plethora of unwanted political posters which are an eye-sore & take away from the beauty of the structure. Here, I have tried to avoid those very eye-sores.

Plein Air Watercolours...
270 GSM, 100% Cotton Fibre, Acid Free, Rough Textured Cold Press Handmade Paper
14" x 10"

Thursday, May 4, 2017

95: Watercolour Painting: Composition- Trellis & The Creeper

One of my earlier paintings... Just a fantasy... A rainbow-coloured sky, a white-painted trellis & a creeper running around & across...

Watercolours on Handmade Cold Press Paper...
14" x 10"

231: Watercolour Landscape Painting: Pune, Maharashtra, India

Plein Air Landscape Painting of a math in Pune, Maharashtra, India... ... another popular location of artists... this math provides a serene...